Choose a property type

Let guests know what kind of place you’re hosting.
By Airbnb on 14 July 2022
1 min read
Updated 16 Nov 2022

Hosts offer all sorts of spaces on Airbnb, from apartments to yurts. Guests searching for a place to stay want to know what to expect before they reserve it. Sharing the type of property you have helps them decide whether it meets their needs.

In this step, simply select the option that best describes your place. We understand that some spaces can be defined in more than one way. Just pick the option that’s closest to how you’d describe your place to someone who’s never been there before.

If you have second thoughts about your choice later (for example, if some of your first guests tell you that your cabin feels more like a cottage), you can always change your selection.

Information contained in this article may have changed since publication.
14 July 2022
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