Unique things to do in Okinawa

Unique things to do in Okinawa

Book unforgettable activities hosted by locals on Airbnb.

Top-rated activities

Hidden Naha Food Walk Tour
We have a better deal on our website foodmonstersathome com This leisurely experience blends Okinawan's colorful history, diverse "Chanpuru" culture, and landmarks with an entertaining progressive lunch or dinner. It’s so much more than a food tour, and the ideal way to land on your feet once you arrive on the island. We will have a chance to sample many Okinawan delights such as, fresh seafood, different parts of pork, Okinawan soba noodles, Japanese-style street food, Goya burgers, Okinawan salt, Bonito flakes, and a crowd favorite, Okinawan donuts to end on a sweet note. Naha is a foodie paradise if you know where to go and I like to switch things up depending on the vendors' seasonal menus. We can sample, Awamori, which is an alcoholic beverage indigenous and unique to Okinawa, Japan. If you love it, buy a bottle to take home with you for a special occasion. At Kokusai street's edge, I’ll bid you farewell. You'll leave full to the brim with local advice on where best to eat, shop and go next. Nothing makes a vacation better than advice from a local. Hope to hear from you soon! Traveling solo? Please message me first with date BEFORE booking Tour unsuitable for vegans. Please tell us about any food intolerances or allergies. Route requires full mobility. We walk in rain unless severe weather forecast.
Okinawa Bar Hopping Night Tour
We have a better deal on our website foodmonstersathome com We will explore the greater part of Naha or Koza, the two busiest areas in Okinawa to show you popular spots as well as hidden gems. We'll meet up at the monorail station then head to izakaya restaurants in the night market that are popular among the locals. Places we visit range from very traditional Okinawan to old school Japanese, and if you are looking to try just ramen and sushi, this might not be the right one for you. Throughout the evening, we’ll taste different Okinawan foods and drinks, learn about our pub food culture and history, and spend time with other foodies. Big group? No worries. I offer you a group discount. Please ask me now! Traveling solo? Please message me first with date BEFORE booking.
Ishigaki Island nature experience. Swim with the majestic sea turtles and then relax and take in the breathtaking views of the island.
Swim with endangered species of sea turtle on Ishigaki Island and enjoy the spectacular view from the top of Mt.Yarabu-dake. There are three types of sea turtles found on the Island, two are an endangered species and the other sea turtle is very rare and near extinction. When swimming with these majestic creatures the sensation feels like you're flying through the sea next to them which gives you a great sense of calmness. Another special place on the Island is Mt.Yarabu-dake that can be easily hiked to in about 10 minutes with a superb view from the summit terrace called "Troll's tongue". The clean and refreshing wind is a perfect combination to refresh your mind and admire the view. Let's enjoy the magnificent sea and mountains of Ishigaki Island together. Other things to note Please when in the water don't touch or chase after the sea turtles even if they are nearby for your safety and theirs. The encounter rate is around 80% so please understand that you can't have a refund if you don't encounter a sea turtle.
Snorkeling tour in Ishigaki island
Because of my long experience of guiding snorkelers and strong passion for the sea, you will definitely have an exciting underwater experience and a comfortable and safe feeling at the same time! Before going in the water I will explain about snorkeling, like mask clear method, snorkel clear and all other necessary things. Since I'm also a freediver, I discovered lots of beautiful hidden spots in Ishigaki, and that's exactly where I take you. I show you colorful fish, coral, often turtles, sometimes rays, small creatures like nudy brunch and more! During snorkeling I can take photos of you in crystal clear blue water and will send them to you afterwards. After the snorkeling you can enjoy Ishigaki's seasonal fruit, like island banana or pineapple or maybe even mango. (We always take local fruits what is on the market on that day, so the type of the fruit changes depends on the season when you come.) On the way back (if you like and if we have time) we can visit a natural waterfall or drink 100% sugarcane juice or just stop by at places where you are interested in! My tours are personalized and flexible all the time! Other things to note ・Transport is included if you stay in Ishigaki city area or between Ishigaki city and Kabira. ・Please note, I am not in Okinawa main island. I am in Ishigaki island. Ishigaki island is one hour flight away from Naha Okinawa.
Private coast & coral reef kayaking in Okinawa
Exploring the calm and tranquil life of North Okinawa at a pace just right for your group's ability. We will meet at a location close to the launch site, where you'll be able to use a restroom and grab a drink. Follow me by car for ~5 minutes to the launch site, where you can park your car for free (I will transport you if you don't have a car). After a short lesson about controlling the Kayak, we'll make our way along a section of coast, passing over the coral reef and likely in a lagoon, before stopping midway at a beach for tea and snacks. There will be the opportunity to see local wildlife and sea creatures and best of all take in Yambaru's beautiful atmosphere and idyllic surroundings. The experience can be effected by the tide and weather, therefore departure times and location may change (details will be shared with you in advance). Other things to note; Need a different date or time? Sunrise/sunset? Young children? Can't swim? Any questions - send me a message:)

All activities near Okinawa

Airbnb Blue Cave Snorkering in Okinawa Tour
I have been a diving instructor for more than 10 years. In this experience, we will visit Okinawa's famous Blue Cave. Please enjoy the shining sea. When the weather is bad, we will not be able to enter the cave. Instead, we will have a fish-feeding experience in a different part of the sea. The ocean by Okinawa is very beautiful. I will offer you a pleasant time. Other things to note I wear a life jacket on the bathing suits and enter the sea. If you do not like sunburn, please wear a rash guard Shower and parking lot are charged. Shower 100 yen, parking lot is 100 yen per hour. ーーーーーーーーーー The photo will send the data. In addition, the photos taken on the day may be posted on our SNS and YouTube. Please be aware of this before applying.^ ^ ーーーーーーーーーー Once you have confirmed your booking, please send us the details of all participants. Name/Age/Gender/Height (cm)/Weight (kg)/Shoe size (cm) Everything you need to get your gear ready. Please send by 21:00 the night before the schedule you want to participate in. If there is no message, it will be canceled on the day because it cannot be prepared. be careful.
《当日予約OK!集合時間に間に合えば直前のご予約もお受けしております。是非一度メッセージください(^^)》 《日本語を話せなくても安心してご参加ください》 ご予約までのやりとりはメッセージ機能を使用し当日までしっかりサポート致します。 ツアーに関する事や当日の移動方法などお気軽にご相談ください。 ツアー中は英語やその他フリップチャートを利用し説明致しますので沖縄の自然・文化をお楽しみいただけます。 ご旅行の最高な思い出を私たちと一緒に作りましょう! 《体験の見どころ》 那覇空港から車で約45分程の場所に私たちがツアーを開催するフィールドがあります。 バスでお越しの方には、バス停までの送迎も致します。 1日4便の開催(9:00・11:00・13:00・15:00)で、 集合から解散まで2時間で完結。 ご旅行の予定に組みやすいアクティビティです。 ライトに楽しめる比謝川には、マングローブの他にも小さなカニやハゼなど可愛らしい生き物がいたり、パワーをもらえる植物があったりと魅力が沢山あります。 2歳のお子様から参加可能な穏やかな川なので、自然の様子を間近で見ることができます。 お子様から年配の方まで皆様にお勧めです! 《体験の流れ》 ①集合・受付・着替え ②カヤックのご説明・練習 ガイドよりパドルの漕ぎ方や見る事ができる生物などを説明させて頂きます。 ③カヤックツアー開始!(約1時間のツアー) ガイドのご説明を聞きながらマングローブの樹々や小さな生物などを見ながらカヤック冒険をお楽しみください! ④ツアー終了! ツアー終了後、お着替え。解散となります。
《当日予約Ok》西海岸に沈む美しいサンセットカヤックツアー /沖縄・嘉手納町
《当日予約OK!集合時間に間に合えば直前のご予約もお受けしております。是非一度メッセージください(^^)》 《日本語を話せなくても安心してご参加ください》 ご予約までのやりとりはメッセージ機能を使用し当日までしっかりサポート致します。 ツアーに関する事や当日の移動方法などお気軽にご相談ください。 ツアー中は英語やその他フリップチャートを利用し説明致しますので沖縄の自然・文化をお楽しみいただけます。 ご旅行の最高な思い出を私たちと一緒に作りましょう! 《体験の見どころ》 那覇空港から車で約45分程の場所に私たちがツアーを開催するフィールドがあります。 バスでお越しの方には、バス停までの送迎も致します。 太陽が水平線に沈む頃、マジックアワーの空が広がり、辺りは魔法の様に特別な色へと変化していきます。 ただ地上から見るのではなく、カヤックに乗って海へ漕ぎ進め景色を体感できるサンセットカヤックツアーは特別な思い出になること間違いありません。 ツアーの前半はマングローブコースへもご案内致します。植物を観察しながら海へ出る為の練習をすることが出来ます。 一度のツアーでマングローブ&サンセットが楽しめるダブルでお得なツアーです! 《集合時間は日没の1時間半前※時期によって変動あり》 集合時刻目安 10月~2月 16:00~16:45の間 3月~9月 16:45~18:00の間 《体験の流れ》 ①集合・受付・着替え ②カヤックのご説明・練習 ガイドよりパドルの漕ぎ方や見る事ができる生物などを説明させて頂きます。 ③カヤックツアー開始! ガイドのご説明を聞きながら、マングローブ、そしてサンセットの綺麗な景色をお楽しみください! ④ツアー終了! ツアー終了後、お着替え。解散となります。
Hidden Naha Food Walk Tour
We have a better deal on our website foodmonstersathome com This leisurely experience blends Okinawan's colorful history, diverse "Chanpuru" culture, and landmarks with an entertaining progressive lunch or dinner. It’s so much more than a food tour, and the ideal way to land on your feet once you arrive on the island. We will have a chance to sample many Okinawan delights such as, fresh seafood, different parts of pork, Okinawan soba noodles, Japanese-style street food, Goya burgers, Okinawan salt, Bonito flakes, and a crowd favorite, Okinawan donuts to end on a sweet note. Naha is a foodie paradise if you know where to go and I like to switch things up depending on the vendors' seasonal menus. We can sample, Awamori, which is an alcoholic beverage indigenous and unique to Okinawa, Japan. If you love it, buy a bottle to take home with you for a special occasion. At Kokusai street's edge, I’ll bid you farewell. You'll leave full to the brim with local advice on where best to eat, shop and go next. Nothing makes a vacation better than advice from a local. Hope to hear from you soon! Traveling solo? Please message me first with date BEFORE booking Tour unsuitable for vegans. Please tell us about any food intolerances or allergies. Route requires full mobility. We walk in rain unless severe weather forecast.
Okinawa Bar Hopping Night Tour
We have a better deal on our website foodmonstersathome com We will explore the greater part of Naha or Koza, the two busiest areas in Okinawa to show you popular spots as well as hidden gems. We'll meet up at the monorail station then head to izakaya restaurants in the night market that are popular among the locals. Places we visit range from very traditional Okinawan to old school Japanese, and if you are looking to try just ramen and sushi, this might not be the right one for you. Throughout the evening, we’ll taste different Okinawan foods and drinks, learn about our pub food culture and history, and spend time with other foodies. Big group? No worries. I offer you a group discount. Please ask me now! Traveling solo? Please message me first with date BEFORE booking.
Yoga, meditation and healing sounds
You'll start with breathing to connect the body and mind, then some gentle stretching to release any tension and warm up the body. I will then guide you through a gentle Hatha Flow Yoga sequence, following that we will enjoy the natural sounds of a Tank Drum while you are relaxing, finishing with guided meditation. I will then provide Organic Herbal Tea for you to look forward to the day ahead with a calm and relaxed body and mind. Other things to note Try not eat 2 hours before yoga. Let me know if you have pain or injury before the class. I will provide detailed instruction on where to meet me when you book. Cancelled if it is raining.
※完全貸切2名様からの予約となります。 沖縄は様々なエリアからサンセットを観ることができますが、今回ご案内する場所は北谷です。私の一番のお気に入りスポットです。周囲になにもない海の上から望む夕日はとてもきれいで心に残ります。 大勢で相乗りして行くサンセットクルーズが多い中、私は皆さんに大切な人と貸し切りで素敵な時間を過ごして欲しいと思っています。 是非一度私のボートに乗ってみてください!あなたにとって今までにない沖縄を知るきっかけになりますよ。 きれいな夕日を眺めながらのお誕生日やサプライズはさらに盛り上がること間違いなしです。
Discovery Surfing School in Okinawa
TROPICAL SURF HOUSE OKINAWA DISCOVERY SURFING SCHOOL PROFESSIONAL INSTRUCTOR EXPERIENCE OKINAWA SURF GUIDE FIRST TIME SURFING NO PROBLEM Sing up to day take evaluation examination and find the suitable surfboard / waves to progress and improve you surf skill . BEGINNER TO INTERMEDIATE GROUP LESSON SURF LESSON 2 hours 30 minutes Service Description Each of our surf lessons will begin with a 15(ish) minute safety and technique lesson on the beach. This time is included in the overall lesson duration. Once the basics have been nailed on the sand, it's time to hit the water! Age: In all group lessons, participants must be at least 6 years old, and able to confidently swim 50m. The white water/ broken waves is the best environment to learn and improve quickly. You shouldn’t head for the green waves if you’re not confident with the above techniques. Remember: be a beginner; LESSON PLANS BEGINNER LEVEL Safety rules Body surf Stand up techniques Proper sun rfing position Walking on the board Frontside and backside turning Simple element of ocean knowledge Surf includes the following: 1 x surf lesson 2 HOURS Surfboard and wetsuit Tuition with certified surf instructors Sports insurance. 8k,
Go snorkeling onna son maeda
GROUP SNORKELING BLU CAVE Service Description Step off the beach and straight onto the reef to float effortlessly amongst the reef fish, Okinawa is surrounded by some of the most beautiful beaches in the world. The warm Japan Current creates the perfect environment for coral habitat. It is said that about 415 species out of the world’s 800 species of coral inhabit the waters around Okinawa, and the sight of colorful gem-like fish swimming around the coral reefs are as good as it gets for a tropical sea paradise. In addition to the colorful tropical fish, such as clownfish, famous from the movie Finding Nemo, and colorful butterfly fish, if you are lucky, you may even see manta rays and turtle or octopus This activity For anyone thet will be easily able to learning . Is easy and fun activity . Kids adult welcome Other things to note You do not need experience, and it is quite easy to learn. But you must watch sup video and do research to understand the challenges of learning this sport.
※完全貸切2名様からの予約となります。 沖縄は様々なエリアから星空を観ることができますが、今回ご案内する場所は「船に乗って海から」です。私の一番のお気に入りスポット「北谷沖」です。周囲になにもない海の上から望む星空はとてもきれいで心に残ります。また帰り道ではアメリカンビレッジの夜景が楽しめます。 私は皆さんに大切な人と貸し切りで素敵な時間を過ごして欲しいと思っています。 是非一度私のボートに乗ってみてください!あなたにとって今までにない沖縄を知るきっかけになりますよ。 きれいな星空と夜景を眺めながら過ごす時間は思い出に残ること間違いなしです。
Private mangrove & inland sea kayaking in Okinawa
Explore and learn about the mangroves around Haneji Inland Sea with its secret beaches and uninhabited islands, or paddle through Yagaji's sea valley with its steep jungle covered walls. Experience the calm and tranquil life of northern Okinawa at a pace just right for your group's ability. This experience for all ages and abilities, it takes place in a safe area which is protected from ocean waves. We will meet at a road station with its amazing views of Kouri Island, here is the last chance to use the bathroom, get changed and buy a drink. It's a 5-minute drive to the launch site from here, where you can park your car for free. After a short lesson about controlling the Kayak, depending on the tide levels, you'll visit a mangrove bay or Yagaji sea valley. There will be the opportunity to see local wildlife and sea creatures and best of all take in some of Yambaru's beautiful atmosphere and idyllic surroundings. I offer guests a fun and friendly tour of the gentle Yambaru area, customised to your needs and ability. I hope to leave you with a strong feeling of peace and connection to nature. You might prefer sunrise/sunset or simply want to enjoy the cooler time of the day - Please let me know your preferences. Other things to note; Any questions ? Drop me a message or request a date/time.
Ishigaki Island nature experience. Swim with the majestic sea turtles and then relax and take in the breathtaking views of the island.
Swim with endangered species of sea turtle on Ishigaki Island and enjoy the spectacular view from the top of Mt.Yarabu-dake. There are three types of sea turtles found on the Island, two are an endangered species and the other sea turtle is very rare and near extinction. When swimming with these majestic creatures the sensation feels like you're flying through the sea next to them which gives you a great sense of calmness. Another special place on the Island is Mt.Yarabu-dake that can be easily hiked to in about 10 minutes with a superb view from the summit terrace called "Troll's tongue". The clean and refreshing wind is a perfect combination to refresh your mind and admire the view. Let's enjoy the magnificent sea and mountains of Ishigaki Island together. Other things to note Please when in the water don't touch or chase after the sea turtles even if they are nearby for your safety and theirs. The encounter rate is around 80% so please understand that you can't have a refund if you don't encounter a sea turtle.
那覇市金城(小禄地区)の住宅地で養蜂を行っています。定年退職をきっかけに始めた養蜂です。巣箱はほとんど自作です。養蜂歴はやがて10年になります。 観察の前に、注意と服装を整えます。 巣箱を開けて、蜜蜂を観察しながら、蜜蜂の家族や生態についてお話をします。観察しながら気づいたことや疑問に思ったことの質疑応答ができます。写真撮影も可能です。 運悪く見学日が雨や雨直後で巣箱が開けられない場合もあります。そのときは、日頃撮り貯めた写真資料等を使って、お話をします。 観察の後、焙煎したてのコーヒーと蜂蜜の試食をしながら、追加の説明や質疑応答を行います。 体験の想い出に、当養蜂場の蜂蜜「かなぐすくはちみつ」をお土産に準備しております。
Snorkeling tour in Ishigaki island
Because of my long experience of guiding snorkelers and strong passion for the sea, you will definitely have an exciting underwater experience and a comfortable and safe feeling at the same time! Before going in the water I will explain about snorkeling, like mask clear method, snorkel clear and all other necessary things. Since I'm also a freediver, I discovered lots of beautiful hidden spots in Ishigaki, and that's exactly where I take you. I show you colorful fish, coral, often turtles, sometimes rays, small creatures like nudy brunch and more! During snorkeling I can take photos of you in crystal clear blue water and will send them to you afterwards. After the snorkeling you can enjoy Ishigaki's seasonal fruit, like island banana or pineapple or maybe even mango. (We always take local fruits what is on the market on that day, so the type of the fruit changes depends on the season when you come.) On the way back (if you like and if we have time) we can visit a natural waterfall or drink 100% sugarcane juice or just stop by at places where you are interested in! My tours are personalized and flexible all the time! Other things to note ・Transport is included if you stay in Ishigaki city area or between Ishigaki city and Kabira. ・Please note, I am not in Okinawa main island. I am in Ishigaki island. Ishigaki island is one hour flight away from Naha Okinawa.
Private coast & coral reef kayaking in Okinawa
Exploring the calm and tranquil life of North Okinawa at a pace just right for your group's ability. We will meet at a location close to the launch site, where you'll be able to use a restroom and grab a drink. Follow me by car for ~5 minutes to the launch site, where you can park your car for free (I will transport you if you don't have a car). After a short lesson about controlling the Kayak, we'll make our way along a section of coast, passing over the coral reef and likely in a lagoon, before stopping midway at a beach for tea and snacks. There will be the opportunity to see local wildlife and sea creatures and best of all take in Yambaru's beautiful atmosphere and idyllic surroundings. The experience can be effected by the tide and weather, therefore departure times and location may change (details will be shared with you in advance). Other things to note; Need a different date or time? Sunrise/sunset? Young children? Can't swim? Any questions - send me a message:)
  1. Airbnb
  2. Japan
  3. Okinawa Region