Unique things to do in Province of Isernia

Unique things to do in Province of Isernia

Book unforgettable activities hosted by locals on Airbnb.

Sip your way through local vineyards

Meet the alpacas
Together we will make this an unforgettable experience! The meeting place is in front of our house, called ‘Abruzzovakantie’. Free parking. Rurally located among the olive trees and with a beautiful view. We will meet the alpacas and I will tell you how we can best lead them during the walk. However, it can be quite warm in the summer, which is why we start early in the morning or late in the afternoon. During the walk I tell you about the alpacas and the environment. After the walk there will be a nice drink and dolce. The family game shuffleboard is available for enthusiasts. And I show the handmade alpaca wool products. Please let me know when booking if there are any food allergies or mobility issues. The alpacas are used to our dogs. Other dogs cannot go for a walk.
Tasting the Molise by "Prince of the Bacchus"
Inizialmente, dopo l’accoglienza in azienda, verrete guidati in cantina, nel museo aziendale della civiltà contadina e in vigna. Successivamente vi faremo accomodare nella sala degustazione dove assaggerete e berrete l’autentico e incontaminato Molise.
Degustazione con Picnic al Chiar di Luna tra ulivi e vigne
Picnic al Chiar di Luna, sarà una bella opportunità in cui potrai immergerti nella natura, in un mondo di sapori genuini e di atmosfere rilassanti, fuori dal tempo e lontano dai ritmi frenetici della vita di ogni giorno. Nella magica atmosfera tra i vigneti e uliveti, passerete la serata all’aria aperta, sotto le stelle, degustando buon vino e deliziosi picnic accompagnati da musica dal vivo. Al vostro arrivo in Cantina verrete accompagnati direttamente dal produttore attraverso la degustazione guidata di 3 tipi di vino tipici del territorio. Dopo potrete ritirare una cassetta Picnic a persona e al suo interno troverete: Antipasto agricolo, Piatto tradizionale, Insalata ricca di pomodori, Dolce tipico, Frutta al naturale, Acqua 0,5 l, Pane Per i più piccoli nella cassetta con il Menù Bimbo troverete: Pasta al pomodoro, Cotoletta, Patatine, Dolce tipico, Acqua 0,5 l, Pane, Simpatica sorpresa Una fantastica esperienza culinaria a contatto con la natura degustando eccellenze gastronomiche.
Old Roman Wine Tour
We will walk through the alleys of the old village in Sperlonga, among the most beautiful villages in Italy and Blue Flag since 1996. We will then visit a local winery, have a walk in the vineyards and a rich tasting of local food and wines. Other things to note The tour can be run in english OR italian. Please write us in which language you wish to make the tour. Send a message if you'r interested in dates unavailable on the calendar.
Antichi palmenti di pigiatura nella terra dei vini
Un'escursione che profuma di "Montepulciano". Ci immergiamo nelle campagne di un piccolo paesino pedemontano: Pietranico. Famoso per la produzione di ottimi vini, olio, arrosticini, e del pane ancora rigorosamente cotto nel forno a mattoni. Il nucleo abitativo si sviluppa intorno ad un grande frammento roccioso da cui il paese prende il nome. Il panorama incanta l'osservatore che verso ovest contempla le propaggini montane appartenenti al massiccio del Gran Sasso, a est l'imponente Val Pescara fino al mare, a sud la Majella, fino la gola tre Monti. A delineare quella che era un'antica via Maestra persistono querce secolari e sporadici frammenti di remoti muretti in pietra a secco. Attraversiamo vigneti e piantagioni di olivi dai fusti contorti. nel corso della passeggiata qua e là appariranno solenni e immutati gli antichi palmenti. Enormi vasche comunicanti ricavate da un unico blocco di pietra e utilizzate per la pigiatura delle uve. Scopriremo insieme come venivano utilizzate e toccheremo con mano quella ruvida roccia che per anni ha accompagnato il delicato processo della vinificazione. Possibili avvistamenti di fauna selvatica quali: volpi, caprioli, nibbi, poiane, scoiattoli... Escursione adatta a tutti anche bambini dai 7 anni in su abituati a camminare. dettagli escursione: Time 3 h, Dist 5 km, Disl 200 Ammessi cani al guinzaglio ma deve essere comunicato in anticipo

All activities near Province of Isernia

Vatican Insider Tour-VIP For a Day
You will join small group of maximum 10 participants and head towards Vatican Museums Priority Access Line. After security check we will take you through most important galleries of the Vatican Museums. A place where Cardinals elect new Pope,Sistine Chapel,will be next one to visit.You will get details about election process called Conclave which ends up with white smoke from the chimney installed in the Chapel and see masterpiece "Last Judgement" with Michaelangelo's face hidden in between more than 300 painted characters. Leave the best for the last,St.Peter's Basilica and famous La Pietà statue. St.peters basilica will be explained before you enter it. 4.30 PM TOUR Please note that this tour won't include entry to St.Peter's Basilica. ST.PETER'S BASILICA Please note when passage between Sistine Chapel and St Peter's Basilica is open and we will use it to avoid lines for St.Peter's(occasionally this passage can close without notice,in this case extended tour of Vatican Museums will be offered ) WEDNESDAY MORNING TOURS: Please note that passege between Sistine Chapel and St Peter's Basilica will remain closed due to Papal Audiences taking place in St.Peter's square.
A caccia di Tartufi con Aperitivo Molise
A CACCIA DI TARTUFI CON APERITIVO Ricerchiamo insieme i preziosi tartufi e rilassati con un aperitivo a base di prodotti al tartufo! Durata: 2/2:30 ore circa – Arrivo ore 10:00 con caffè di benvenuto e spiegazione generale sui tartufi. – Raggiungimento con mezzo proprio del bosco accompagnati da esperti cani da tartufo – Rientro con Aperitivo e degustazione a base di tartufo raccolto durante l’escursione. (Bambini sotto i 12 anni non pagano) L’esperienza si svolge a Busso in Molise, CB
Monte Cassino Bombing & Battlefield Tour
2020 marks the 76th anniversary of the bombing of Monte Cassino Abbey, the four Battles of Montecassino and the breakthrough to Rome. It will be a great occasion to celebrate peace, liberty and reconciliation here! You have the possibility to experence what happened on the battlefields and why the Allied and the Axis took the awful decision to bomb Monte Cassino abbey and town. I will pick you up at the train station of Cassino and I will start to show you shortly the new town on Cassino, totally rebuilt after the war, then I will show you the Gustav Line from far away, so that you will understand how dangerous this defensive line was for the Allied. We will stop at the Rapido River in Sant'Angelo area, where the 34th Red Bull Division and the 36th Texas Division tried to cross the River and we will pay respect to the 36th Division's monument. We will stop in the town, where the German Headquarter was, and then we will stop again at Castle Hill ( where the Kiwis and the Gurkas tried to attack the Abbey) and at the Belvedere point. I will show you the Liri Valley from the slopes of Montecassino, we will visit the Abbey of Monte Cassino on an WW2 point of view, and then we will pay a visit to the Commonwealth memorial and Cemetery. If you have any particoular requests, or if you want to see a special place, please let me Know! Other things to note The tour will be emotional, and it doesn't involve too much walking. Please remember monasteries dress code. If you need a different day, or a different start time, please send me a private message.
Carretto portafiori - Diventa creativo
CARRETTO PORTA FIORI DIVENTARE UNA PERSONA CREATIVA ATTRAVERSO L'ARTE DELL' ARTIGIANATO FATTO A MANO Faremo dei semplici oggetti di artigianato fatti a mano al 100% , come quelli illustrati nelle foto e mi riferisco ai due carretti porta fiori . Io sarò sempre vicino gli ospiti e li guiderò, passo dopo passo in tutto il processo di lavorazione. Attraverso l'arte e la creazione di semplici oggetti, cercheremo di sviluppare la capacità cognitiva della mente, di inventare e di creare , collegamenti e associazioni tra idee, concetti, fatti, progetti e azioni, in virtù quindi della nostra capacità, di analizzare e sintetizzare idee e sopratutto di metterle in contatto tra di loro. Molto spesso si tratta semplicemente di usare una nuova prospettiva di ragionamento e d' azione che col tempo e la pazienza, genera la maturità creativa. Dettaglio unico dell'esperienza, è quella di trasferire agli ospiti tutta la mia esperienza e maturità creativa, che ho acquisito attraverso lo studio dell'arte, l' insegnamento come docente universitaria e le tante attività che ho svolto nel mondo dell'arte. Altre cose da tenere a mente Esperienza libera tutti possono partecipare. Siete i benvenuti. Vi aspetto a presto. Endah
Let's have a mozzarella for dinner
We will meet at the Rione Alto metro station, the closest to my company. When you arrive at the dairy, guests will see the processing process and at the end they can taste in a very familiar atmosphere the mozzarella and other homemade products. In winter it will be in my house while in the summer it will be possible to do so in the garden surrounded by lemons and hundreds of plants of ancient roses. We will choose wine with guests in our winery and listen to traditional Neapolitan music.
Meet the alpacas
Together we will make this an unforgettable experience! The meeting place is in front of our house, called ‘Abruzzovakantie’. Free parking. Rurally located among the olive trees and with a beautiful view. We will meet the alpacas and I will tell you how we can best lead them during the walk. However, it can be quite warm in the summer, which is why we start early in the morning or late in the afternoon. During the walk I tell you about the alpacas and the environment. After the walk there will be a nice drink and dolce. The family game shuffleboard is available for enthusiasts. And I show the handmade alpaca wool products. Please let me know when booking if there are any food allergies or mobility issues. The alpacas are used to our dogs. Other dogs cannot go for a walk.
From Santo Stefano di Sessanio to Rocca
This circular hike starts from Santo Stefano di Sessanio, one of the most beautiful villages in Italy, it is a true architectural jewel of the perfectly preserved medieval era. Through an easy path we will arrive at Rocca Calascio a magical and suggestive place, often used as a cinema setting, including the famous Ladyhawke and In Nome Della Rosa. Near the fortress stands the church of Santa Maria della Pietà, a small octagonal temple with a dome with eight segments, now used as a simple oratory and a destination for the faithful and devotees. From Rocca Calascio we will go down another path until we reach the village of Santo Stefano Di Sessanio where (by reservation) it will be possible to taste typical products. Possible sightings of wildlife such as: deer, foxes, roe deer, golden eagle. This excursion is suitable for everyone, even children aged 6 and over who are used to walking. excursion details: Duration 4 h, Distance 11 km, Height difference 400 m Other things to note The village of Abruzzo (Santo Stefano Di Sessanio), recovered and transformed into a widespread hotel, offers numerous possibilities of stay.
Tasting the Molise by "Prince of the Bacchus"
Inizialmente, dopo l’accoglienza in azienda, verrete guidati in cantina, nel museo aziendale della civiltà contadina e in vigna. Successivamente vi faremo accomodare nella sala degustazione dove assaggerete e berrete l’autentico e incontaminato Molise.
Home made pasta experience with Simonetta
Want to learn how to make fresh pasta during your Molise vacation? We offer you a beautiful experience, ideal for couples, small groups and families even with children, which will make you rediscover the flavors of the Molise gastronomic tradition. Preparing fresh pasta at home is an ancient art, and for anyone who wants to try this creative activity, Simonetta offers a fun experience, in which you will learn how to prepare the typical Molise fresh pasta formats in a totally practical way. Each guest will have their own workstation and their individual instrumentation so that we can then taste what they really prepared with their own hands. Guided by Simonetta's experience, you will learn the ingredients, their dosage, the processing of the dough and the different techniques to give shape to the 4 most common and typical types of fresh pasta, from Molise and Abruzzo: the "cavatelli", the "spaghetti alla chitarra" and the "tacconelle". After preparation, the products will be tasted with a typical condiment of the local tradition, using exclusively seasonal ingredients, with the combination of the unparalleled local oil and excellent Molisani wines. Please report any allergies or food intolerances or if you're vegan in advance.
Aperitivo with Monte Cassino History
"Aperitivo with Monte Cassino History" is a "finger food dinner of delicious local products" (in Italy we say "aperi-cena"). A unique experience in which I like to interact in order to exchange and offer historical information, answer any questions and illustrate focal points regarding some sites of the battle of Cassino with a lot of interesting maps and pictures and original information not easy to find in the classic tourist itinerary, wich give very different perspectives of the battlefield. Not only, this is a good opportunity to have a special wine taste of the "Gustav Wine"; this is a bottle of a unique wine of which I invented the label, inspired by the vines I saw growing up walking on the paths of the battle. Now I like to think about these wires of wine and reflect how have replaced the barbed wire that was in the same position in 1944 to completely covered this wonderful hills. I will be also very happy to land you my personal map with some tips and special suggestions to give you more opportunity to move around also by yourself indipendently to have all possibility to visit much more is possible about Cassino battlefields trought the secrets of the Cassinese. Other things to note -) If you don't find your preferred timetable for this experience, please contact me. -) In the Hotel La Pace lobby there is a small museum and many books available for this experience.
Truffle Hunting in Molise
A unique experience, the magic of a real truffle hunting: with the help of dogs, we will personally guide you in search of the precious hypogeum mushroom through the woods of our Molisan hills for a total immersion in the truffle world. Experience will end with a special tasting menu at the di Iorio Tartufi headquarters in Busso (CB)
Blue Cave Tour with Typical Gozzo
Sperlonga offre un paradiso naturale tutto da scoprire con infinite grotte e un mare cristallino. La navigazione con Gozzo tipico in legno sarà di circa 1.5 ore per tratta e l’ampio spazio a bordo sarà gradito da grandi e piccoli. Scopriremo le aree protette del Parco Regionale della Riviera di Ulisse, come la villa dell'imperatore romano "Tiberio" e l'antica Flacca del 184 a.c.. Le torri di avvistamento medievali e le numerose grotte che si aprono lungo la stupenda costa tra le quali la più famosa ''Grotta Azzurra'' vi regalerano grandi emozioni. Bibite e materiale da snorkeling a bordo sono a disposizione degli ospiti. Volentieri personalizziamo il tour con richieste degli ospiti. La nostra Case Vacanza Sperlonga vi offre lo speciale omaggio di benvenuto. Sperlonga è uno dei Borghi più belli d'Italia e dal mare è ancora più bella Altre cose da tenere a mente In barca i bambini ed i neonati sono considerati come una persona adulta per questioni di normativa sulla sicurezza. A bordo potrebbero essere presenti ospiti non appartenenti al vostro gruppo. Arrivare all'imbarco 15 minuti prima della partenza è consigliato.
Discover the alleys of Gaeta
When envisioning a journey, the desire extends beyond mere sightseeing of a city, its monuments, and art; it also includes indulging in excellent cuisine and relishing new flavors. Embarking on a historical exploration, we will meander through the alleys of the fisherman's borgo, dating back to the early 20th century, traversing its myriad passageways and visiting the oldest shop. Our culinary adventure will feature the renowned tiella from the time-honored bakery (established in 1890), accompanied by the pleasures of local olives, wine, mozzarella, and, culminating in sweetness, a traditional dessert. The entire journey will be enhanced by engaging stories and amusing anecdotes from the heart of the town.
The sulfur waters of Lavino
The experience program includes an excursion on the sulfur waters of the Lavino. The meeting point will be at the parking lot above the park.From the meeting point the excursion / walk will begin which will take place along the path of the Park, through the splendid and multi-chromatic sulphurous lakes, overlooking the Lavino River, trying to explain the nature of the contact with the sulphurous chalky formation, purchasing the wonderful colors of purple turquoise. The visit unwinds from the ponds inside the Park, giving a glimpse of the banks of the river, of the geological deposits emerging, of visible forms. The path ends at the old Mulino, in the past it was the site of a small hydroelectric power station that supplied green energy to the nearby Scafa cement plant. From the old mill you will come back following the cycle path and go up to the parking lot (initial incotro point). Other things to note The path itself is accessible to all, but there are still brecciated paths, for which the use of trekking shoes is recommended; most stretches are in shadow, but it is still advisable to have a sunscreen with you.
Uncover Monte Cassino Battle Trails
"The best way to appreciate history is to walk on the footprints of the men who made it", and to share this quote with you, I will be very enthusiast to give you my personal and unique experience in Cassino, for an half day or a full day. Starting from my hotel, we can start to plan our battlefield hiking after a first approch to some original documents, maps, pictures and videos of the past and then dicide to reach the same location for a real "then and now on the spot". But don't worry if you don't like to walk a lot, I know some "shortcut" to reach all hidden location without any effort. Other things to note - A moderate amount of uneven surface and steep walking is involved; - Not recommended for participants with heart or other serious medical conditions. - Subject to favorable weather conditions.